From Chapter Five The Test, A Wind in the Door by Madeline L' Engle
“What do you know about us?”
“I have heard that your host planet is shadowed, that it is troubled.”
“It’s beautiful,” Meg said defensively.
She felt a rippling of his wings. “In the middle of your cities?”
“Well—no—but I don’t live in a city.”
“And is your planet peaceful?”
“Well, no—it isn’t very peaceful.”
“I had the idea,” Proginoskes moved reluctantly within her mind, “that there are
wars on your planet. People fighting and killing each other.”
“Yes, that’s so, but—”
“And children go hungry.”
“And people don’t understand each other.”
“Not always.”
“And there’s—there’s hate?”
She felt Proginoskes pulling away. “All I want to do,” he was murmuring to him-
self, “is go some place quiet and recite the names of the stars …”
“Progo! You said we were Namers. I still don’t know: what is a Namer?”
“I’ve told you. A Namer has to know who people are, and who they are meant to
be. I don’t know why I should have been shocked at finding Echthroi on your plan-
“Why are they here?”
“Echthroi are always about when there’s war. They start all war.”
“Progo, I saw all that awfulness you took me to see, that tearing of the sky, and
all, but you still haven’t told me exactly what Echthroi are.”
Proginoskes probed into her mind, searching for words she could understand. “I
think your mythology would call them fallen angels. War and hate are their busi-
ness, and one of their chief weapons is un-Naming—making people not know who
they are. If someone knows who he is, really knows, then he doesn’t need to hate.
That’s why we still need Namers, because there are places throughout the universe
like your planet Earth. When everyone is really and truly Named, then the Echthroi
will be vanquished.”
#AWindInTheDoor #MadelineLEngle #AWrinkleInTime #ThatsNotMyName #TheTingTings
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