Reflect on where you’ve been and the information provided.
Decide on where you want to be and the steps that will take you there.
Act on what you’ve decided so you may move forward and make a change.
W&A believes the best way to move forward is to embrace the above values. We learn by reflecting on the information provided and determining how this may impact our lives. We act by making a clear decision on how we want to move. These three values are most important, whether that means being in line with our values or moving towards educational justice, racial & ethnic justice, and gender equity. We must reflect on where we are and what we know, decide our path, and embark on the journey.
Words & Action, LLC is a Black-woman-owned business committed to lifting and supporting the voices and experiences of
W&A recognizes it is imperative to constantly learn and grow in the ways we are able. Discomfort can serve us, or as we say in education: we learn best within the “Zone of Proximal Development.”
Client Locations
July: Certified Life Coach through Lumia - Life Coach Training & Community
August: Obtained an office space in downtown Syracuse, NY
February: Joined Inaugural Stanford GSE Alumni Board
September: Launched Words & Action, LLC
December: Released the first W&A Journal
2015: Received International Education Policy Analysis Master of Arts degree from Stanford University's Graduate School of Education
2016 - 2017: Realized my interest in supporting teachers
2017 - 2020: Pursued my interest as an administrative assistant, project manager, program director, learning and development professional, and coach at various education nonprofits